Kate Breakey: Golden Hour



Catherine Couturier Gallery is delighted to present the work of gallery artist Kate Breakey, in a solo exhibition entitled Golden Hour. The artist will be in attendance at the opening reception on Saturday, May 19th from 5-7 p.m.

Kate Breakey (B. 1957 Adelaide, South Australia) is internationally known for her large-scale, richly hand-colored photographs of luminous portraits of birds, flowers, animals, and insects. A few years ago, she became interested in the science of gold, especially astrophysics which inspired the beginning of her new series, Golden Stardust. Struck by the beauty, brightness, and the depth of Orotones, a historical photographic process which was first used in the early 20th century by, among others, Pillsbury and Edward Curtis. This series of work is a contemporary version of an Orotone in which an image is digitally printed on UV Art glass and adorned with 24kt gold leaf applied to the back. Upon viewing, this technique gives this eclectic body of work including classical still life, landscapes, nudes, the moon, and other biological subjects an ethereal and enchanting glow that commands the viewer’s attention. For Breakey, the gold leaf unifies it all, making each image ’precious’ and preserves the memory, beauty, fragility and simplicity of her daily surroundings.

The exhibition will be on display from May 19 - August 4, 2018.

Please enjoy selections from over 70 peices which will be on display.


Kate Breakey, Three Sheoak Trees, Mid North, South Australia

Three Sheoak Trees, Mid North, South Australia
Edition  #2 of 20
Image 3 x 5 in.
Unframed $800/ Framed $925


Kate Breakey, Chrysanthemum

Edition #5 of 20
Image 8 x 8 in.   
Unframed $1,200 / Framed $1,375

Kate Breakey, Purple Tulip

Purple Tulip
Edition #3 of 20
Image size  5 1/2  x 8  in.
Unframed $1,000 /  Framed $1,175


Kate Breakey, Waterfall, Mongolia

Waterfall, Mongolia 
Edition  #1 of 20
Image size 5 1/2 x 11 in.    
Unframed $1,200/  Framed $1,375


Kate Breakey, Silver Coffee Pot.

Silver Coffee Pot
Edition #4 of 20
Image size 4 x 5 in.
Unframed $800 /  Framed $925


Kate Breakey, Scotch Bonnet Shell

Scotch Bonnet Shell 
Edition #1 of 20
Image size 5 x 5 in.
Unfarmed $800 /  Framed $925


 Kate Breakey, White Vase with Single White Tulip

White Vase with Single White Tulip 
Edition #1 of 20
Image size 6 x 7 in.
Unframed $1,000 /  Framed $1,125


Kate Breakey, Torso

Edition #3 of 20
Image 5 x 5 in.                            
Unframed $800 / Framed $925


Kate Breakey, Reclining Nude

Reclining nude  
Edition #9 of 20
Image 3 x 5 in.                                   
Unframed $800 / Framed $925


Kate Breakey, Six Pears

Six Pears   
Edition #1 of 20
Image 7 x 16  in.         
Unframed $1,500 / Framed $1,675


Kate Breakey, Cherry


Edition #8 of 20
Image 3 x 5 in.
Unframed $800 / Framed $925



Kate Breakey, Still Life With Five Figs

Still Life With Five Figs
Edition 3 of 20
Image 8 1/2 x 11 in
Unframed $1,200 / Framed $1,350


Kate Breakey, Small Chinese Bowl

Small Chinese Bowl  
Edition #4 of 20
Image 4 x 7 in.
Unframed $800 /  Framed $925


Kate Breakey, Daisy

Edition #1 of 20
Image size 6 x 10 in.
Unframed $1,200 /  Frame $1,375


Kate Breakey, Vase with Chrysanthemums II

Vase with Chrysanthemums II
Edition #3 of 20
Image 8 x 8 in.     
Unframed $1200 / Framed $1,375


Kate Breakey, Unopened Carrion Flower (Stapelia)

Unopened Carrion Flower (Stapelia)
Edition #1 of 20
Image size 6 x 5 in.
Unframed $800 / Framed $925


Kate Breakey, Round Green Vase with Two Daisies

Round Green Vase with Two Daisies 
Edition #1 of 20
Image size 6 x 6 in.
Unframed $1,000 / Framed $1,125


Kate Breakey, Virginia Creeper in Jar

Virginia Creeper in Jar
Edition #1 of 20
Image size 6 x 5 in.
Unframed $800 /  Framed $925


Kate Breakey, Scotch Thistle I

Scotch Thistle I
Edition #2 of20
Image size 5 x 5 in.                            
Unframed $800 / Framed $925


Kate Breakey, Vermillion Fly Catcher IV

Vermillion Fly Catcher IV 
Edition #2 of 20   
Image size 3 x 4 in.
Unframed   $800  / Framed $925


Kate Breakey, Hummingbird

Edition #1 of 20
Image size  3 x 4 in.    
Unframed $800 / Framed $925


Kate Breakey, Yellow Breasted Warbler

Yellow Breasted Warbler
Edition #6 of 20
Image 8 x 8  in.                                      
Unframed $1,200 /  Framed $1,325


Kat Breakey, Verdin

Edition #2 of 20
Image size 8 x 8 in.
Unframed $1200 /  Framed  $1,375


Kate Breakey, Vase with Crepe Murtle

Vase with Crepe Murtle
Edition #1 of 20
Image size 10 x 12  in.                       
Unframed $1,500 / Framed $1,675


Kate Breakey, Vase with Bougainvillea

Vase with Bougainvillea
Edition #1 of 20
Image size 13 x 10 in.
Unframed $1,500 / Framed $1,675


Kate Breakey, Twenty Two Birds in Bare Tree, New Mexico

Twenty two Birds in Bare Tree, New Mexico   
Edition #3 of 20
Image size 10 x 15”                 
 Unframed $1,750 / Frame $1,925


Kate Breakey, Prothonotary Warbler

Prothonotary Warbler
Edition #2 of 20
Image size  5 x 6”                         
Unframed $800 / Framed $925


Kate Breakey, Gambel’s Quail, Male

Gambel’s Quail, Male 
Edition #2 of 20
Image size 8 x 10” 
Unframed $1,200 / Framed $1,375


Kate Breakey, Gambel’s Quail, Female

Gambel’s Quail, Feale 
Edition #1 of 20
Image size 8 x 10” 
Unframed $1,200 / Framed $1,375


Kate Breakey, Tall Vase of Roses

Tall Vase of Roses
Edition #1 of 20
Image size 10 x 18”  
Unframed $2,000 / Framed $2,250


Kate Breakey, Coffee Pot, Italy (from villa Rocco

Coffee Pot, Italy  (from  villa Rocco)
Edition #1 of 20 
Image 3 x 4 1/2 ”                                
Unframed $800 /  Framed $925


Kate Breakey, Chrysantheum II

Chrysantheum   II 
Edition #4 of 20
Image 5 x 5 1/2” 
Unframed $1,000 / Frame $1,175


Kate Breakey, Sea Horse 1

Sea Horse  1
Edition #1 of 20
Image size 4  x 10”
Unframed  $1,000 /  Framed $1,175



Kate Breakey, Ship in a Bottle

Ship in a Bottle
Edition #2 of 20
Image size  9 x 14                   
Unframed $1,500 / Framed $1,675


Kate Breakey, Black Tulip II

Black Tulip II 
Edition #2 of 20
Image size 4 x 7  
Unframed $800 / Framed $925


Kate Breakey, Waxing Cresent Moon

Waxing Cresent Moon 
Edition #1 of 20
Image size 3 x 4” 
Unframed $800 / Framed $925


Kate Breakey, Lunar Eclipse Jan 2018 Tucson Az l

Lunar Eclipse Jan 2018  Tucson Az  l    
Edition #2 of 20
Image size 10 x 10” 
Unframed $1,500 / Framed $1,675


Kate Breakey, Lunar Eclipse Jan 2018 Tucson Az I

Lunar Eclipse  Jan 2018  Tucson Az  l  
Edition #2 of 20
Image size 10 x 10”         
Unframed $1,500 / Framed $1,675              


Kate Breakey, Solar Eclipse, Nebraska, Aug 21, 2017, (1st contact ), Baileys Beads

Solar Eclipse, Nebraska, Aug 21, 2017,  (1st contact ), Baileys Beads
Edition #3 of 20
Image  size 11 x 11 
Unframed $1,750 / Framed  $1,925


Kate Breakey, Lunar Eclipse Jan 2018 Tucson Az (Blood moon

Lunar Eclipse Jan 2018  Tucson Az  (Blood moon)  
Edition #2 of 20  
Image size 6 x 6”        
Unframed  $1,000 / Framed $1,175


Kate Breakey, Lunar Eclipse II Sept 2015 airplane window

Lunar Eclipse  II Sept 2015, Airplane window 
Edition #4 of 20
Image size  4 x 5” 
Unframed $800 / Framed $925


Kate Breakey, Lunar Eclipse I Sept 2015 airplane window

Lunar Eclipse  I  Sept 2015  airplane window  
Edition #4 of 20
Image size  4 x 5”
Unframed $800,  Framed $925


For purchases or further inquiries email us at [email protected] or call at (713) 524. 5070