The Center for Fine Art Photography Call for Entries

Posted on Mar 8, 2018

Black and White 2018 International Call for Entry and Gallery Exhibition is Currently Open for Submissions!

All Black and White imagery is eligible for submission. All types of photographic processes are eligible for this exhibition. This includes all film, alternative processes, traditional, digital,  and all post-production techniques. All subject matter is welcome. All sizes are eligible.


All selected artists’ work is exhibited in our Exhibition Space and in the Online Exhibition complete with artist website links. C4FAP also provides professional installation images, event Press Release and social media promotions with an audience of 180,000+ followers internationally. All artists and friends are welcome to celebrate the exhibition with us at the Reception.




Artists can opt to join us for Saturday morning individual portfolio reviews with our Executive Director. Saturday afternoon there is a private artist portfolio share where the artists are given the opportunity to discuss their work, receive feedback and professional development advice. Selected Artists are welcome to join for all or part of the Saturday events. Free for members, $40 for non-members.


JUROR | Catherine Couturier is the Owner and Director of Catherine Couturier Gallery. Upon its inception, the gallery quickly evolved into the premier photography gallery in Houston and sits at the center of Gallery Row. The gallery is a member of AIPAD, and Catherine serves on the advisory council of Houston Center for Photography. Couturier also reviews portfolios for organizations and festivals such as Photo Nola, Atlanta Celebrates Photography, and Fotofest, is a juror for Critical Mass She give lectures to artists and collectors alike on a myriad of subjects related to the field of fine art photography. The Catherine Couturier Gallery is committed to excellence with a dedication to the medium in all its forms, with the goal to showcase the best fine art photography available.


MEMBERS | $24 for the three images.
NON-MEMBERS | $38 for the first three images.
ADDITIONAL IMAGES may be submitted for $7 each for members and $10 each for non-members. There is no limit to the number of images that may be submitted.


Image Upload Guidelines
All images are securely submitted online via our website. To submit images go to the top right hand corner of this page to create a free account or login to your existing account to begin. Step-by step instructions are available here. Artist copyright is protected at all times.


Founded in 2004 by photographers in Fort Collins, Colorado, The Center for Fine Art Photography is a nonprofit 501(C)(3) photography organization. We provide support to photographic artists through exhibition, promotion, portfolio reviews, publication, education and connection to a large community of other artists, curators, gallery owners and photographic professionals.


Entries Due | March 28, 2018
Notice Of Acceptance | April 12, 2018
Exhibition Dates | November 14 – December 15, 2018
Public + Artists’ Reception | December 7, 2018


Eligibility: Our calls for entry are open to all photographers world wide, both amateur and professional. The Center invites photographers working in all mediums, styles and schools of thought to participate. Images of all sizes are eligible.


Exhibit Prints: In order to be included in the online gallery or to receive an award, you must provide a professionally printed and presented image for gallery exhibition. The Center recognizes that some work is non-traditional and the presentation type is integral to the work. To encourage participation by photographers from around the world, the Center offers optional, professional, printing and framing services. Additional details will be provided upon request.


Acceptance Notice: Everyone who submits will receive an email notification of which images were accepted. Accepted images will be posted on the Center’s website.


USE RIGHTS: All submitting artists retain all copyrights to their own images. Artist’s recognition is provided with any use. By submission for jurying, artists whose submissions are chosen for the exhibition grant The Center for Fine Art Photography the right to use their images for the purpose of promoting the artist, promoting the Center’s programs, promoting exhibitions and subsequent display on the Center’s website of current and past exhibitions. Promotions and images may also be placed on social networks for The Center for Fine Art Photography with artist credit.


Questions about calls for entry?
Visit: | Email: [email protected] | 970.224.1010

Image: Roger Meyers by Project Barbatype (Scott Hilton and Bryan Wing)

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