Libbie Masterson "Spectrum" Opening at the Jung Center

Posted on Mar 29, 2018

Libbie Masterson Spectrum

Please join Libbie Masterson at the opening of

an installation by Libbie Masterson

Saturday April 7, 2018   5-7 pm

with a brief artist talk and performance at 5:45
with the ROCO Collaboration

The Carl Jung Center
5200 Montrose

Exhibition will be on view April 3-28


Libbie Masterson Kalidescope

Support this exhibition, and you will receive your own Kaleidoscope!

  Libbie has created a fundraiser to off-set the costs of this exhibition, and is building Kaleidoscopes using the glass from the mosaics in the installation.  They are beautiful!  You can reserve one by contacting us at [email protected], or purchase one in the Jung Center Book Store.  Funds will go directly to this exhibition.  
$50 each.


Thank you, Libbie

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