Kate Breakey: Avian Install

Posted on Jun 24, 2020

To help bring our latest exhibition, Kate Breakey: Avian, to our community virtually, Catherine Couturier Gallery is excited to share the following installation photos of the show.

Kate Breakey, Avian, Catherine Couturier Gallery, Houston, Texas, Installation photograph by Erica Lee
(from left) Prothonotary warbler, Nest 13, Mockingbird

The exhibition features new work from Kate Breakey's series of bird nests printed on silk and embroidered as well as Breakey's new hand colored pigment prints of birds inspired by scientific drawings from 18th and 19th century natural history encyclopedias and smaller, more intimate quail eggs.


Kate Breakey, Avian, Catherine Couturier Gallery, Houston, Texas, Installation photograph by Erica Lee
Quad top row (from left): Nest 27, Nest 6Quad bottom row (from left): Nest 8, Nest 24
Set of two stacked (from top): House Sparrow, White Crowned SparrowSingle: Nest 32


Kate Breakey, Avian, Catherine Couturier Gallery, Houston, Texas, Installation photograph by Erica Lee
Top row (from left): Nest 41, Nest 44, Nest 3
Middle row (from left): Nest 35, Nest 29, Nest 18
Bottom row (from left): Nest 20, Nest 21, Nest 16


Kate Breakey, Avian, Catherine Couturier Gallery, Houston, Texas, Installation photograph by Erica Lee


Kate Breakey, Avian, Catherine Couturier Gallery, Houston, Texas, Installation photograph by Erica Lee
(from left) Nest 32, Northern Flicker, Cactus Wren, Nest 26


Kate Breakey, Avian, Catherine Couturier Gallery, Houston, Texas, Installation photograph by Erica Lee
Single: Pyrrhuloxia
Quad top row (from left): Nest 5 Version 2, Nest 9; bottom row (from left): Nest 42, Nest 12


Kate Breakey, Avian, Catherine Couturier Gallery, Houston, Texas, Installation photograph by Erica LeeTop row (from left): Nest 14, Nest 37; Bottom row (from left): Nest 10, Nest 34


Private viewings must be booked in advancePlease email us at [email protected] to reserve a time to visit the exhibition. 


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