Call To Entry: A Smith Gallery Exhibition Juried by Catherine Couturier

Posted on Mar 22, 2019

Catherine Couturier Gallery is proud to announce that Catherine as been selected at the juror for an exhibition presented by A Smith Gallery. This is an open theme call for entry….  there is no theme.  Any image in any photo based medium of any subject is eligible. Catherine is asking for artists to submit thier strongest work to make the best exhibition possible.

Catherine Couturier, Catherine Couturier Gallery, Houston, Texas

Catherine Couturier is the owner and director of Catherine Couturier Gallery. Upon its inception, the gallery quickly evolved into the premier photography gallery in Houston, Texas and sits at the center of Gallery Row. The gallery is a member of AIPAD, and Catherine has served on the advisory council of Houston Center for Photography. Couturier also reviews portfolios for organizations and festivals such as Photo Nola, Atlanta Celebrates Photography, and Fotofest, is a juror for Critical Mass, the Center for Fine Art Photography, and LA Center for Photography, and give lectures to artists and collectors alike on a myriad of subjects related to the field of fine art photography. The Catherine Couturier Gallery is committed to excellence with a dedication to the medium in all its forms, with the goal to showcase the best fine art photography available.


Creativity is encouraged.


SUBMISSION | Guidelines:  Digital images should 1000 pixels on the longest side saved in JPEG format at 72 ppi. Each image should be labeled with consecutive numbers followed by your name, i.e. 1FirstName_LastName.jpg. The number should correspond with the number on the application form.  Please do not watermark your images.  If you need help sizing your images, please follow this link

SUBMISSION | Online:  Fill out our online application to apply, send images, and make payment with Paypal. You will receive an email confirmation upon receiving the submission and payment. You can also fill and submit the online application, print out your confirmation email, and mail it with a check for your fees to the address below. 

SUBMISSION | Email:  Email image files and submission form to [email protected]. The gallery will send an email confirmation upon receiving the submission and payment.

SUBMISSION | Mail:  CD’s and submission form should be mailed to:

A Smith Gallery
P O Box 175
103 N Nugent #175
Johnson City, TX 78636

The gallery will send an email confirmation upon receiving the submission and payment.

SUBMISSION | Entry Fee:  $38 for the first 5 images, $7 per each additional image. Submissions of 11 or more images are eligible for a review of the submitted images by the gallery directors.  Submission fees are not refundable.

ELIGIBILITY |  Submissions are open to all photographers both professional and amateur working in all photographic mediums and styles. International entries are welcomed. Work that has been previously exhibited at A Smith Gallery is not eligible.

PRINTING/MATTING/FRAMING | Information:  The gallery offers printing, matting and framing services. If sending framed work, please use mats and frames that compliment your work and are appropriate in a gallery setting. Colored mats are discouraged. All images should be ready to hang with wires. Gallery wraps are not acceptable. If you have any questions regarding appropriate presentation please contact [email protected].

AWARDS|  The awards are as follows:

Jurors Award – $325.00
Directors Award – $250.00
Three Juror Honorable Mentions – an exhibition catalogue
Director Honorable Mentions chosen at the discretion of the Gallery Directors – an exhbition catalogue
Visitors Award – $100.00

SALES |  The gallery will retain 40% of the sales price.

USE RIGHTS |  Photographers retain full rights to their own images. The gallery will use the photographer’s images for publicity purposes as well as in the Blurb exhibition catalogue.

FOR MORE INFORMATION |  [email protected]

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