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2014 HCP Print Auction



Houston Center for Photography's annual print auction will be held tomorrow evening, February 12 at The Junior League of Houston.  For more information on remaining tickets, please visit here.

Catherine Couturier Gallery is pleased to have several artists represented in the event.  Check them out below and get those paddles ready to bid bid bid!

Renate Aller HCP Auction Catherine Couturier Gallery

Renate Aller:  dicotyledon, plate #3, 2011


Susan Burnstine HCP Auction Catherine Couturier Gallery

Susan Burnstine: The Long Road Home, 2012


Henry Horenstein HCP Auction Catherine Couturier Gallery

Henry Horenstein: Lookdown Fish-Selene vomer, 2013 


Lori Vrba HCP Auction Catherine Couturier Gallery

Lori Vrba: Party Slip, 2009


Libbie Masterson HCP Auction Catherine Couturier Gallery

Libbie J. Masterson: Fountaine-de-Vaucluse, 20


Martin Elkort HCP Auction Catherine Couturier Gallery

Martin ElkortSoda Fountain Girl, 1951



Groundhog Day with A. Aubrey Bodine

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

This past Sunday, a nation waited with bated breath for the emergance of one of Pennsylvania's most notable residents: Punxsutawney Phil. Solar worshipers, much like Denver Bronco's fans, were nothing if not dissappointed when this shade-fearing marmot tucked…

Libbie J. Masterson Exhibits at Lone Star College

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

As a participating space in the 2014 Fotofest Biennial, the Kingwood Fine Art Gallery at Lone Star College in Kingwood, Texas has commissioned gallery photographer Libbie J. Masterson to install a selection of pieces taken in western Texas.  Two separate receptions…

Mitch Dobrowner: That Rare Land

Posted on Jan 14, 2014

Please join us Saturday, January 18 from 6-8 p.m. for the opening of Mitch Dobrowner: That Rare Land. The exhibition will run through March 22, 2014, and the artist will be in attendance for the opening reception. Fresh off the heals of his 2012 Sony World…

Holiday Hours at Catherine Couturier Gallery

Posted on Dec 21, 2013

In observance of the holiday season, Catherine Couturier Gallery will maintain slightly truncated hours for the next week and a half. Closed: Tuesday, December 24 through Friday, December 27, 2013 Open: Saturday, December 28, 2013 from 10am - 5pm Closed:…

Deck the Walls

Posted on Dec 2, 2013

  Please join us this Saturday, December 7, from 6 – 8 p.m. for the opening reception of Deck the Walls, our annual group exhibition of vintage and contemporary pieces, running through January 11, 2014. Mention this blog post and receive 10% off any print…

Shea Serrano's "Bun B's Rap Coloring and Activity Book" Signing Event

Posted on Dec 2, 2013

Catherine Couturier Gallery is pleased to announce a book signing event in tandem with our Deck the Walls exhibition opening this Saturday, December 7 from 6 - 8 pm.    Written by Shea Serrano in collaboration with high-profile Houston rapper Bun B, Bun…

New Work from Maggie Taylor and Susan Burnstine

Posted on Dec 2, 2013

Catherine Couturier Gallery is pleased to announce the release of new images by Maggie Taylor and Susan Burnstine. An unending fount of creativity, Taylor continues to invite the viewer into her ever-expanding and singular world.   Reluctant Optimist, 2013   The…

Houston Center for Photography Juried Fellowship Call For Entries (Last Day)

Posted on Nov 1, 2013

  Today is the last day for submissions. Fellowship recipients will be awarded $3,000 each and a solo exhibition at HCP in the summer of 2014. One Houston-based artist (residing in a 100-mile radium of Houston including Beaumont, Galveston and the College…

Robert Doisneau: France in the 20th Century

Posted on Oct 23, 2013

Please join us Saturday, October 26th from 6–8 p.m. for the opening of Robert Doisneau: France in the 20th Century. La Dame Indignee, 1948   The work of preeminent French photographer Robert Doisneau masterfully captures the playful eccentricities and…